Green Beans

Green Beans

French Filet Bush Green Bean
Classic baby French filet type – green beans are ready for harvest when just 4-5 inches long and the diameter of a pencil. Beans are produced on the top of bush type plants – they are easy to pick. Classic tender French filet type – best used fresh or may be frozen. Allow some pods to mature for seed production. Most/full sun. 2 feet. 20 seeds.
Rattlesnake Pole Green Bean
Rattlesnake Beans are a prized heirloom from the Hopi, long grown in the southwest U.S. Plants thrive in dry conditions and are productive and vigorous. Green beans are green splashed with burgundy and best harvested at 5-7 inches. Harvest beans from dried pods to use as soup beans. Pole bean - 6-8 feet. 20 seeds/pack.
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Provider Bush Green Bean
Provider is a bush type green bean available since the 1960s. Known for its dependable production on strong stemmed bush type plants of 5-6 inch green bean beans with excellent classic green bean flavor. Highly productive compact plants will produce plenty of green beans for fresh summer eating and also for freezing or canning. Bush type - 1-2 feet. Most/full sun. 20 seeds
Lazy Housewife Pole Green Bean
(Pole Bean - Stringless) First available in 1810 and sold by Burpee beginning in the late 1800s, Lazy Housewife are a hard to find very productive and stringless (less work for the cook!) pole type bean. Harvest when young for great flavorful green beans or allow to dry on the vine and gather the ‘shelly’ beans for later use. One of the favorite garden beans in the US for years. Full sun, will need support. 15 seeds/pack
Italian Romano Bush Green Bean
(Snap Bush Bean) Known as faioli a corallo in Italy, these are the famous Italian green beans used in Italian dishes like minestrone and Italian Bean Salad. Pods are flat and best picked when 4-6 inches long. Bush-type plants are highly productive and easy to pick. Allow some beans to mature for seed production at the end of the season.Full sun, bush snap bean. 20 seeds/pack
Scarlet Runner Bean
(Phaseolus coccineus) Grown in US gardens since the early 1700s, the Scarlet Runner Bean is a pretty climber that will quickly cover a trellis or arbor. The edible flowers are a cheery red and cover the vine. The bean pods are edible and the beans, once dry, can be stored for months and used in winter stews. Pick pods before they reach 7 inches to maximize flower production. Most/full sun. Climbs to 8 feet. 10 seeds
Purple Podded Pole Green Bean
This productive pole bean variety was discovered in a vegetable garden in the Ozarks in the 1930s. A favorite since then for dependable production of 5-7 inch purple podded beans with excellent classic green bean flavor. Deep purple color helps in harvesting (easier to spot) and is lost when beans are cooked. Pole bean - 6-8 feet. 20 seeds/oack.
Golden Wax Bush Bean
Golden Wax is an old favorite bush wax bean - bright yellow beans with excellent flavor are heavily produced on compact plants. Beans will reach 5-6 inches long or may be harvested when younger if preferred. Golden Wax beans provide a vivid contrast to classic green beans in summer dishes and salads. Excellent also for freezing or canning. Most/full sun. Bush bean - 1-2 feet. 20 seeds
Green Yardlong Bean
Vigna unguiculata Also called Asparagus or Noodle Bean, these amazing beans can reach two feet (sometimes longer!) but are best harvested for the summer table when they are 12-15 inches long. Plants are highly productive and produce beans in clusters of 4-5. Green beans are stringless, tender, and crisp. This white-seeded variety is productive even in heat. Full sun, climbs to 7 feet. 20 seeds.
Red Yardlong Bean
Vigna unguiculata Also called Asparagus or Yard Long Bean, these Chinese noodle beans can reach two feet (sometimes longer!) but are best harvested for the summer table when they are 12-15 inches long. Plants are highly productive and produce beans in clusters of 4-5. Beans are tender and crisp and even retain their red color after being cooked. Excellent variety. Full sun, climbs to 7 feet. 20 seeds.
Blue Lake Pole Green Bean
Classic pole type green bean available since the 1800s. Plants will climb a trellis or tower and bean pods will follow pretty white flowers. Green beans are stringless when young but tender and full flavored at full size (up to 9 inches). Mature dry white beans may be stored for use as a soup bean or planted the following year. Most/full sun. Will climb to 7 feet. 20 seeds
Kentucky Wonder Pole Green Bean
A named variety available commercially starting in 1875, Kentucky Wonder produces lots of 7-9 inch green beans that are tender when harvested young and more fibrous as they mature. The brown beans produced within the mature pods are a favorite as a baked bean or a winter soup bean with excellent flavor. Most/full sun. 5-7 feet. 20 seeds
French Climbing Bean
This is an the classic French green bean – will climb to 6-8 feet and heavily produce classic stringless French green beans. To save seeds for next year allow some pods to dry on the vine and save the deep purple beans that are produced. Green beans are best harvested when young – just 5-6 inches. Climbing bean, most/full sun. 20 seeds/pack
White Half Runner Bean
White Half Runner Beans were brought to the Carolinas with Dutch and German immigrants and have long been a favorite in the southern US and throughout Appalachia. Plants will climb and 5-6 inch green beans will be very heavily produced. Allow some to mature and split to produce small white soup beans.Half-runner - 2-3 feet, most/full sun. 20 seeds/pack.
Top Crop Bush Green Bean
Top Crop is a legendary bush bean variety –an All American Selection winner in 1950 – it has been a favorite ever since. Green beans should be picked when about 5 inches long and are stringless and produced above the leaves, making them very easy to pick. Great for freezing or canning. Mature beans are brown mottled with tan – save some! Bush bean = 1-2 feet. most/full sun. 20 seeds/pack.
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Royal Burgundy Bush Green Bean
Royal Burgundy produces 6-7 inch beans in deep purple on bush type plants. Beans turn green during cooking and have a bright green interior when fresh. Royal Burgundy are prized for use in fresh dishes due to the vivid color and a favorite of many when cooked due to their excellent flavor. Also will hold up well in freezing or canning. Bush type - 1-2 feet. Most/full sun. 20 seeds